Speeches 2004
Speech by Dr Maizar Rahman, Acting for OPEC's Secretary General, to the Ministry of Energy of the Philippines and industry representatives
02 Dec 2004 | Manila, 2 December 2004
Oil and gas: the engine of the world economy
10 Nov 2004 | By Dr Maizar Rahman, Indonesian Governor for OPEC, Acting for OPEC Secretary General, on behalf of Dr Purnomo Yusgiantoro, OPEC President and Secretary General, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia. Tenth International Financial and Economic Forum, Vienna, Austria - 10–11 November 2004
Forecast of the world oil and gas market development
28 Oct 2004 | By Dr Maizar Rahman, Indonesian Governor for OPEC, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General on behalf of Dr Purnomo Yusgiantoro, OPEC President and Secretary General and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for Indonesia. The 4th Russian Oil and Gas Week, Moscow, Russia 26–28 October 2004
Petroleum will still be the major energy resource in the 21st century
17 Oct 2004 | By Dr Purnomo Yusgiantoro, President and Secretary General of OPEC, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia. Delivered by Mr Mohammad Alipour-Jeddi, Head of OPEC's Petroleum Market Analysis Department. World Petroleum Congress, First Youth Forum Beijing, China - 17–20 October 2004
OPEC: Vision, Mission and Development
29 Jul 2004 | World Oil Outlook to 2025 by Dr Maizar Rahman, Indonesian Governor for OPEC, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General. Indonesian National Committee, World Energy Council - Jakarta, Indonesia, 29 July 2004
OPEC and non-OPEC
13 Jun 2004 | Delivered by Dr. Maizar Rahman, Acting for the Secretary General of OPEC, on behalf of the Secretary General, HE Dr Purnomo Yusgiantoro, President of the OPEC Conference and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia. The 9th Annual Asia Oil and Gas Conference: “Asia Oil and Gas: Rising to New Challenges” Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 13–15 June 2004
Carbon capture and storage, CO2 for enhanced oil recovery, and gas flaring reduction
09 Jun 2004 | This is the official report on the Joint Workshop held on the above subject by OPEC and the World Petroleum Congress at the OPEC Secretariat in Vienna, Austria, on 8–9 June 2004
Oil and the challenges of the 21st century
29 Apr 2004 | Delivered by Dr Maizar Rahman, Indonesian Governor for OPEC, Acting for the Secretary General. The 5th International Oil Summit Paris, France, 29 April 2004
OPEC’s welcoming address to the 2nd Joint IEA-OPEC Workshop on Oil Investment Prospects
28 Apr 2004 | Delivered by Dr Adnan Shihab-Eldin, Director of OPEC's Research Division - Paris, France, 28 April 2004